Whenever I find myself craving for some good chocolate, the first one that comes to mind is ever reliable and delicious Cookies N' Cream. So naturally, it was the first chocolate recipe that I just had to try and perfect myself.
Now, the only problem is that I have to stop myself from eating all of them up!
Minimum order requirement of 8 pieces.
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Minimum order requirement of 8 pieces.
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Kindly text to 0917-5508795 or email to sweetdreamsbycandy@yahoo.comthe following information: Name, Contact no., Email address, City of residence, Name of chosen Sweet Dreams treat, No. of orders
Please wait for the confirmation of your order within 24 hours. Orders will take at least one week to complete, and at least two weeks for bulk orders (i.e. orders more than P1,500).
*The minimum order requirement is P500.00 A down payment of at least 50% is required for orders worth P1,500 and above.
*Pick up areas: Petron La Vista, Katipunan
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